Please read these terms and conditions fully before using our website and/or services. Continued use of our website is regulated by the terms stated here. Further use is a legal acknowledgment of compliance with the terms, and compliance, which may be demonstrated in court, was in breach of your consumer responsibilities.
Authorized Use of Website
The user is permitted to use the website only in specific ways detailed in these terms and conditions. Continued use of the website constitutes a legal agreement to perform approved actions only and never engage in fraudulent, unethical, or illegal activities relating to its use.
You, the user, agree to avoid any act or activity with the potential to cause damage to our website or service. It is unlawful to impersonate another user or another living person on our website. Performing any action that may disrupt the provision of by overloading computing resources, obstructing user access, or in any way reducing the availability of our website is illegal and potentially convictable.
You may not use robots, spiders, mobile apps, tool access, or any other mechanism to control or clone aspects of our website. These actions are not allowed, nor are any activities that might jeopardize the interests of unless specifically approved in a way that can be fully demonstrated.
Attempts to access content and/or resources through unauthorized means are unlawful and may result in legal action.
The user agrees to pay for any and all products and/or services personally purchased on the website in their name. This is the case unless we, the company, agree to void a transaction. There are circumstances in which purchases may be voided and the monies refunded, but decisions are always made at our discretion. Please make sure you’ve read all terms and conditions before making a legally binding commitment to purchase.
These terms and conditions apply to individual users only and cannot be extended to include third parties unless explicitly stated and consented to. This is the case for all third parties, whether or not they are affiliated with the individual user at an industry level.
Notifications and Emails
Providing with a personal or work email address constitutes legal consent for further communications provided these communications adhere to strict legal guidelines on marketing and data privacy.
If you provide us with an email address, you agree to the receipt of service-related communications, promotional materials, newsletters, memos on deals, special offers, and new products. You may tailor your consent by customizing the type of materials you wish to receive. You have the right to withdraw from these communications. Instructions on how to do this are included at the bottom of every email.
We are not responsible for the actions of third-party filtering tools. If you use spam filters or browser plugins, we are not liable.
Imagery, Clips, and Typefaces
We, the provider, agree to provide only royalty-free images, typefaces, motifs, and graphic designs to our customers. Any and all templates provided by may be used only in accordance with our terms and conditions.
Royalty-free images, typefaces, motifs, and designs may be used as visual elements of downloadable (and potentially editable) templates, but they may not be removed from the templates or purchased products and used in isolation or conjunction with any unrelated document or service.
They may be reproduced and distributed but only as elements of an originally purchased document. Failure to adhere to this specific condition is considered an unlawful breach of copyright and our terms of service as they are described here.
Documents, Files, and Templates
All content viewable on, including any purchasable documents, templates, and other products, remains the sole property of You may not use or reproduce this content without express permission and, once given, only in accordance with the terms of use outlined here.
Any attempt to use this content without consent is considered a breach of our Intellectual Property Rights and will be handled accordingly.
Product Modifications
After a purchased template has been downloaded to your computer or device, in accordance with the standard license, you have the sole right to edit the material, remove or add new elements to the material, and distribute the material in ways authorized by our terms and conditions. You cannot separate the motifs, images, typefaces, and designs for isolated use or distribution.
We, the provider, have no obligation to alter materials already purchased and downloaded by you, the user.
Errors, Corrections, and Changes
Though we strive hard to provide a safe, secure browsing space, we cannot guarantee the quality of your experiences on our website. Henceforth, we do not legally commit to the provision of a virus-free, bug-free, or error-free platform. Our commitment to provide this is not a legally binding promise. It is a company pledge and, therefore, not upheld by the law.
If the information on our website is inaccurate, outdated, or less than valuable, there is no legal recourse for users to contest it. Though we’re committed to providing only the most valuable content, we are not under legal obligation.
We reserve the right to change, remove, and/or add content to at any time and without warning. It is our legal right to delete documents and templates. However, downloaded copies of deleted templates remain yours.
Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property Claims
We are very committed to the protection of intellectual property rights. If you believe any document, template, or other media pieces published on our website are in breach of these rights, please contact us.
We ask that you read our copyright page first to make sure the use of the offending article isn’t clearly authorized. If the article is found to be in breach, it will be removed but only after an internal review has been completed.
Unlawful Activities
If a user is found to be in breach of our terms and conditions or unlawful use of materials is suspected, we reserve the right to respond in accordance with the recommendations of copyright experts, law enforcement officials, regulators, and other relevant organizations.
As the company, we will decide what action to take but may do so on the advice of the organizations listed above. In some serious cases, we may report unlawful activity to police agencies, which is likely to involve a legal disclosure of the offending individual’s personal information (name, IP address, browsing history, etc.).
If you believe that another user is performing unlawful activities on or relating to our website, please contact us as soon as possible.
Linking to Third-Party Sources
Linking to from third-party sources is not prohibited. However, we reserve the right to insist third-party links be removed at any time, without prior warning. We may take this action if we believe that affiliation with a particular source is damaging to our brand or likely to associate us with criminal activities.
We have the power to prevent users from creating third-party links to our website if their activities are suspect or in breach of terms and conditions.
We occasionally link to other websites and useful resources. It is your choice to follow these links, and we are not responsible for any content found there. If you believe offensive or unlawful activities are being performed on a third-party platform, you may contact us to share details. However, we have no legal authority to remove offending materials.
We do not legally endorse or sponsor third-party websites though we may link to them.
Refund Policy
Our refund policy is activated only if it can be proved a purchase is not as promised or fraudulent behavior is responsible for the transaction. While we consider all requests for a refund, they are granted only in exceptional circumstances.
We trust you, the user, to fully understand your obligations as a customer and read all the necessary terms and conditions. We do not issue refunds for purchases made in error or products that do not satisfy the purchaser but meet all promises detailed in the product description.
With that being said, we do consider all refund requests, and the decision to grant a refund remains at our discretion at all times.
Refund requests are only eligible for consideration when submitted within seven days of the original purchase. Some problems with downloadable content are not the responsibility of and, therefore, cannot be solved with a refund.
Subscription Refunds
Any promises to refund subscription deals or special subscription offers are made with the explicit agreement that more than one (1) download performed after the subscription date implies extended use and is, therefore, ineligible.
You can ask to have your subscription refunded, but only for a short time following its issue/renewal and only if one (1) download has been claimed in this timeframe. You are responsible for all downloads made to your account.
We may, in some rare cases, offer refunds for subscriptions that are proved unlawful or fraudulent. If you think somebody is using your identity to purchase subscriptions on our website, please contact us.
Compatibility Issues
Our documents, templates, and other graphic design materials are available to download in various formats. It is your responsibility to select an appropriate format. We do not issue refunds to users who cannot access purchased content because they do not have the necessary software.
Our product descriptions list all available file formats and how to select and download each one.
Downloading and Unzipping Issues
Occasionally, network, browser, firewall, or internet connectivity issues will disrupt active downloads. If you attempt to download a document and the file does not appear on your computer or device from 24 to 48 hours after the original activation, please contact us and submit a complaint.
We will issue a refund if the document has not been downloaded successfully within 48 hours. However, we ask that you give the download 24 hours to resolve itself before lodging a complaint. Connectivity issues almost always resolve themselves.
In the rare instances they are not resolved, we don’t expect you to pay for inaccessible purchases. Refunds are granted only once we have confirmed the document did not download successfully and has not been opened.
Product Mismatch
If it can be proved that a purchased product does not match its website description, we may issue a full refund. Contact us immediately if your download does not deliver what was promised.
We may grant a full refund or, where appropriate, supply you with a new download that does match the product description. We promise to take action within 72 business hours from the receipt of your complaint. If we do not take satisfactory action within this timeframe, an automatic refund will be issued.
We try to consider all issues relating to purchases made without permission from the user. However, our terms and conditions specify that users are responsible for the activities performed on their personal accounts. Refunds may be granted if you can prove your account has been accessed illegally.
We do not issue refunds to customers who have changed their mind about a purchase or discover they do not like a document after downloading it. Though, depending on the circumstances, we may work with the user to reach an agreeable solution. This might involve the offer to swap to another download of the same price.
Payment Issues
If you decide to lodge a payment issue with your bank or credit card provider, as opposed to requesting a refund from, your account with us will be automatically suspended.
This is a legal requirement and does not mean your account will be removed or frozen indefinitely. Once a payment issue is escalated to a third party, the decision to refund is withdrawn from us (the company). We do not have the recourse to unfreeze or authorize any further purchases until the conflict is resolved.
We understand fraudulent activity on your account may require you to contact your bank directly. To prevent your purchasing account from being frozen, try to resolve the issue with our customer service team first, if possible. Depending on the nature of the report, we may advise you to contact your bank.
Subscription Cancellation Policy
You have a right to end your subscription at any time. It should be noted that there’s a transitional period between the cancellation request and its full activation. It may take a few days before the request is processed, and any subscription payments due in this timeframe may not be cancellable.
Whether or not you’re obligated to pay for a further installment after logging the request depends on where you are in your subscription payment schedule at the time.
Regardless of when you log the request, right up until the given date of the subscription’s cancellation, you retain the following:
- Access to all previously downloaded documents.
- Ability to download any remaining documents within your subscription.
After your subscription has been terminated, the following will cease:
- Access to new document downloads.
- Eligibility for customer support for new downloads.
- Receipt of subscription-related communications.
Terms of Service for Users
As a user of, you agree not to perform or engage in any illegal or unauthorized activities on or in relation to our platform.
This includes the following activities, engagement with which may result in a permanent ban:
- Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of content.
- Impersonation of other users or individuals.
- Disruption of website services or access.
- Engagement in fraudulent or unethical activities.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us directly.