This statement outlines the transparency adheres to in its pledge to guarantee privacy to customers using the site. Please feel free to go through this document below and find out more about our privacy policy and how the information from visitors and users is used.
Personal Details
Visitors are not required to give their private details unless they are downloading an item from When registering an account as a member, you will be required to provide personal information that will help us contact you whenever there are site updates, including new products and services. Giving your personal details to shows you have consented to the use of this information according to the privacy policy, as defined in this document.
Non-personal Information has the right to use any non-personal details recovered from its users, including requested pages, cookie information, and IP address, and modify its site content accordingly. The website will not link the personal details to the non-personal information, as mentioned in the earlier provision.
After permitting third-party companies to carry out their advertisements through the site pages, all third-party cookies will be subjected to their own privacy policies, which does not cover. Therefore, we will not shoulder any liability for such use.
Use of Cookies
Upon visiting, we will send one or two cookies to your computer that uniquely recognize your browser. This will be vital in assisting your site login quicker, thereby improving its navigation experience. Cookies might also be useful in transferring your personal details, and the browser may use them for any future visits to the website. A session cookie only shows temporarily and vanishes after closing your browser, meaning your browser is reset after closing it once. Whereas you may decline any cookies in your browser, certain features might not function correctly after disabling these cookies.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
There are specific provisions under which may disclose personal information and these are: (1) when responding to a court order or legal proceedings, (2) to defend the site’s rights when needed or safeguard the personal security of the site’s users, and (3) after discovering that a visitor’s actions go against the site’s guidelines as stated on the official terms and agreements. puts measures such as requesting email addresses before permitting any site download to safeguard our user’s security and privacy. It is the mandate of every user to control access to all email communications with and maintain account details and safety.
User ID Tracking uses Google Analytics to assess and monitor site traffic and user usage and behavior. Google Analytics will monitor users’ flow, browsers, languages, location by country, operating systems, gadgets used to access the site, and the internet service providers.
With that said, will not upload any data to enable Google to know the persons or identify their specific IP address.
Changes to the Privacy Policies holds the right to amend or change the current privacy policy any time we want without giving the members and visitors any prior notice. Because of this, all users are requested to go through the privacy policy regularly.
While the data can readily be accessed online, guarantees its users and visitors that its site uses industry-standard SSL encryption, which safeguards the private information conveyed on this site. In addition to this, protects confidential details from network firewalls, unauthorized access, and other security procedures.