License Agreement

PRO License FAQs:

Can the PRO License templates be used for my personal & business projects?

Yes, the PRO License templates can be used for personal or business use without any restrictions.

Can the PRO License templates be used for clients, agencies, or any third party?

Yes, the PRO License templates are appropriate for freelance work, clients, agencies, or any third party without any restrictions.

Can you modify a specific template according to my needs?

Yes, modifications can be done upon your request. Charges will vary depending on your specific requirements. Please contact our support team by emailing [email protected] or reach out to us for additional details.

Can I choose to resell, sub-license, or re-distribute the PRO License template?

No, using the template (in any form) to sub-license, re-distribute, resell, or make available to the public for copying, downloading, or viewing, or reselling as stock is not allowed.

Free License FAQs:

Can the Free License templates be used for my personal & business projects?

Yes, using the Free License templates for personal use is allowed, but you must attribute (give credit) when using our templates with the Free License.

How to attribute (give credit)?

When using the Free License template, giving credit is mandatory. Please read more on how to give credit. Don’t want to attribute? Use our PRO License for only $7/month and access 1000+ PRO templates with no attribution.

Can Free License templates be used for agency, clients, or freelance work?

No, Free License templates cannot be used for agencies, freelance work, or clients.

Can the Free License template be modified as I wish?

Yes, modifying the template according to your requirements is allowed.

Can you do template customizations for us?

Yes, modifications can be done upon your request. Charges will vary depending on your specific requirements. Please contact our support team by emailing [email protected] or reach out to us for additional details.

Can I choose to resell, sub-license, or re-distribute the Free License template?

No, using the template (in any form) to sub-license, re-distribute, resell, or make available to the public for copying, downloading, or viewing, or reselling as stock is not allowed.

General FAQs:

What is a Free License?

Every free labeled template downloaded as a non-PRO member/free user comes under the Free License.

What is a PRO License?

Any template downloaded with a PRO membership or as a PRO member or by purchasing a single template is considered a PRO License.

What is business use?

Every template used directly or indirectly by your business is considered business use.

What is client use?

All templates used either directly or indirectly by an entity separate from your business are viewed as client use.

Is it possible to use downloaded templates after subscription expiry?

Yes, the PRO License allows you to use downloaded templates continually, an unlimited number of times after the subscription has expired.

Do all products provide a Free License option?

No, only templates labeled “free” can be downloaded under a Free License.

Is it possible to trademark a design I made using products?

No, you are not permitted to register a product or end product item by enlisting it with a trademark, even if it is a logo. Therefore, third parties can still use the product even alongside another logo, even if you designed the logo for a client or yourself. If you want an item to be trademarked, feel free to contact us.


Other than what is expressly allowed in this agreement, you are restricted from:

  • The sale or distribution of templates to other online databases.
  • Sharing any template with a third party.
  • Distributing or posting templates in downloadable formats.
  • Distributing, displaying, modifying, reproducing, or using templates in any offensive, libelous, or indecent manner.
  • Removing any copyright notice found in the templates.
  • Using templates that have a service mark or trademark.

Additional Restrictions:

Unless you buy an extended license, the use of the templates is confined to the goods or services you intend to distribute or resell. You are also not allowed to use any item in electronic templates that you plan to resell.

Copyright and Trademark:

The copyrights of all the templates shall be owned and retained by This means you are restricted from copying, distributing, modifying, or selling the template without consent. These templates are protected by an international agreement that gives us intellectual property rights and complete ownership.

Therefore, you can never use these templates either in part or to create a service mark or trademark.

Any unauthorized distribution, modification, reproduction, sale, or use in part or whole is subject to legal and civil penalties.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability: guarantees that our products do not have any material deficiency at the time of delivery. If this warranty is breached, the entire remedy is the product’s replacement or a total refund of the license fee paid to does not make any implied or expressed warranty on the fitness or merchantability for any particular purpose. Likewise, and any of its representatives are not responsible for any direct, general, indirect, or incidental damages or other damages that arise from this license or its use to you or other third parties.

In case, for any reason, is responsible in any way, our liability will be limited to the sum you paid to use our product.

You warrant and represent that you have the authority and right to enter into this agreement. This agreement also applies when you download any of our templates on behalf of an association, corporation, entity, or organization. In such a scenario, you warrant and represent to have the authority and right to bind the represented entity to this agreement.

License Termination:

If you fail to adhere to the agreement’s terms and conditions, is authorized to terminate your rights under this agreement without needing to give you notice. Furthermore, has the right to rescind this license granted to you for even the slightest cause.

Once your license is terminated, you should immediately stop using any of the templates. You also need to delete or destroy any file in your storage or computer that contains these templates. As you do this, make sure your clients do the same.

If you have any questions about this license agreement, please feel free to contact us directly.